November 2021 - Path of the Jedi

Path of the Jedi Episode #11 – Trust: a Rogue One Story Trust is a cornerstone of all relationships. Without it, there can never be true harmony…

Trust: a Rogue One Story

Trust: a Rogue One Story

Path of the Jedi Episode #11 – Trust: a Rogue One Story

Trust is a cornerstone of all relationships. Without it, there can never be true harmony in the connections and interpersonal interactions we have with one another. But with trust being such an essential component and it being seemingly universally understood, where, when, and why does it go wrong?

To answer this question, in this episode of Path of the Jedi Podcast we turn to a film without the convenient presence of Jedi wisdom – Rogue One: a Star Wars Story.

*In this episode I talk about the Global Wealth Mindset program from Growth-U. The next round of that program will be starting soon, so click HERE and visit my affiliate link to get all the details and register today.

Chance, Randomness, and the Illusion of Luck

Chance, Randomness, and the Illusion of Luck

Path of the Jedi Episode #10 – “There’s no such thing as luck” When discussing the characters of Star Wars, a conversation about chance, randomness, and luck…

The Dharma of Star Wars

The Dharma of Star Wars

When I first read The Dharma of Star Wars by Matthew Bortolin, I had no idea that I’d be discussing it on my own podcast and blog…

Growth and Possibilities – Survive and Thrive

Growth and Possibilities – Survive and Thrive

Path of the Jedi Episode #9 – Growth and Possibilities Growth and Possibilities. Unyielding rigidity. Polar opposites ideals personified in two Star Wars: the Clone Wars characters…

Attachment: the Jedis’ Downfall

Attachment: the Jedis’ Downfall

Path of the Jedi Episode #8 – Attachment in the Star Wars Universe Part 2 In this episode, we continue our discussion on attachment and the Jedi…

The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor Back a few months ago, our corporate office invited Shawn Achor, author of the Happiness Advantage, to deliver the keynote talk…

Attachment: a Jedi’s Burden

Attachment: a Jedi’s Burden

Path of the Jedi Episode #7 – Attachment in the Star Wars Universe Part 1 Attachment is as tricky a subject for the Jedi Order as it…

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of the standout books I’ve read or listened to this year. A mix of multiple…

Commitment and Focus – the Jedi Way

Commitment and Focus – the Jedi Way

Path of the Jedi Episode #6 – Into the Dark In this episode of Path of the Jedi, we explore two core principles – Commitment and Focus….