November 23, 2021 - Path of the Jedi

Path of the Jedi Episode #11 – Trust: a Rogue One Story Trust is a cornerstone of all relationships. Without it, there can never be true harmony…

Trust: a Rogue One Story

Trust: a Rogue One Story

Path of the Jedi Episode #11 – Trust: a Rogue One Story

Trust is a cornerstone of all relationships. Without it, there can never be true harmony in the connections and interpersonal interactions we have with one another. But with trust being such an essential component and it being seemingly universally understood, where, when, and why does it go wrong?

To answer this question, in this episode of Path of the Jedi Podcast we turn to a film without the convenient presence of Jedi wisdom – Rogue One: a Star Wars Story.

*In this episode I talk about the Global Wealth Mindset program from Growth-U. The next round of that program will be starting soon, so click HERE and visit my affiliate link to get all the details and register today.