February 13, 2025 - Path of the Jedi

Charged Emotions and the Seduction of the Dark Side It’s subtle, but in this episode, Ahsoka trains Sabine with some of the wisest advice yet – “Anger…

Ahsoka Part 3: Time to Fly

Ahsoka Part 3: Time to Fly

Charged Emotions and the Seduction of the Dark Side

It’s subtle, but in this episode, Ahsoka trains Sabine with some of the wisest advice yet – “Anger and frustration are quick to give power, but they also unbalance you.”

With this brief sentence, Ahsoka reveals to us a major tenet of the Sith, namely the seductiveness of the power gained from highly charged emotion. We see in all over Star Wars – Sith masters instructing their apprentices to feel their hatred, use and channel their anger.