About Path of the Jedi

Welcome to Path of the Jedi, where Star Wars meets Personal Development!

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Welcome to Path of the Jedi! This podcast is what happens when two seemingly unrelated things marry and form something completely and individually unique. What is Path of the Jedi all about? I’m glad you ask.

I love Star Wars. From the first time I saw a light saber ignite and heard its otherworldly and almost magical hum, I was hooked. Never had I wanted to be anything as much as I wanted to be a Jedi.

With Star Wars, George Lucas gave me fantastical world I could escape to. He

gave me a world where I could a hero no matter where I came from nor what past (and my present for that matter) looked like. It helped foster in me an unbridled imagination and a belief in limitless possibilities.

To learn more about Path of the Jedi, listen to Episode 1: Who am I?

Now you’d think that I would outgrow this world of make believe as I got older but exactly the opposite happened. And it wasn’t just because of terminal immaturity. No there was something about Star Wars that grew with me. As my perspective broadened, I began to see its depth and meaning. Growing into more than a mere world of escape, it gave insight, shed light, and ultimately served as a reflection that has allowed me to see myself more clearly.

And that’s what I want to share with you. My hope with Path of the Jedi is to help you discover who you are so that you can be the Jedi you’ve always wanted to be. Star Wars has done no less for me, and if you wish it, can do the same for you.

If you’re reading this, then you’re seeking something. And I’d say you just may have attracted the very thing you are looking for. Let Path of the Jedi be your Jedi Academy, let it be your guide on your own hero’s journey.


March 2025